Sunday, October 4, 2009

Spirituality on Two Wheels

Mountain biking is a spiritual experience. I find peace in the quiet of the woods, humility in the effort that is required, and beauty in the motion between the rider, the bike, and the ground. After every ride, no matter how demanding or bruising it was, I feel refreshed. I have sweated out any negativity and cleared my mind of chaotic thoughts. There is no time for mental chatter when a moment's inattention in a rock garden means breaking a bone. Riding purifies me.

Today I had to attend an event for work. I brought my bike in order to ride afterwards at a nearby park. The event went longer than expected, and then traffic on the drive delayed me further. I was annoyed and tense all the way there; muttering to myself. Then I arrived, unpacked, and rode 15 miles. On the way home there was traffic too, but I didn't care. I was at peace.

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